Dr. Teethgrind

We are pleased to introduce our newly developed product, "Dr. Teethgrind" mouthpiece.
This mouthpiece is to be applied lower back teeth (molar), which is the first system in the world
to provide you the best result with least incongruity feeling, you can compare with normal mouthpiece now in your Market.
This is so unique and has the patent in 9 countries, including the U.S., UK, and Japan.

Teeth grinding shouldn’t be a small problem for those who suffer and are complained, especially couple who sleep together.
r. Teethgrind"can be a great help for them releasing unpleasant noise and protecting their teeth from gnashing, clenching
or teethgrinding (bruxism). This has a round, streamline shape, is very compact and your teeth shape can be molded exactly
to the mouthpiece, thus you can easily create your custom mouthpiece.
Since all materials are FDA approved and there is a bridge connecting both molars to be fit under your tongue, you are very safe and hard to swallow it.
Thus we are very happy to be any of your assists for your quite and healthy sleep.

We are very sure that "Dr. Teethgrind"will be very welcomed in the United State as your sleeping accessories.


For the package information of "Dr.Teethgrind"
Click here

For further details about "Dr.Teethgrind"
Click here

For the difference between "Dr.Teethgrind" and traditional mouthpieces
Click here